Nico's Weg Review
Hello everyone!
Wie geht es dir? How are you? I hope you are
in a good condition!
Now, I want to review a German film “Nico’s
Happy reading!
Weg is a film produced by
Deutsch lernen mit der DW. The film was made for those who want to learn basic German. This film tell us about a Spanish man who was looking for his aunt’s
bicycle shop, but he lost his bag at the airport and he was helped by a German
This film specifically tells about German culture.
This film tells about a man named Nico, he
had just arrived in Germany and was going to his aunt’s bicycle shop. But, moments
later, he lost his bag at the airport. Luckily, there is a woman named Lisa
wants to help Nico find his aunt. But there is a slight problem, Nico can not speak
German very well, he lost his phone and his aunt’s address. It makes Nico and
Lisa difficult to find Nico’s aunt’s shop.
The acting of all casts is awesome. The pronounciation of each word is not too fast so it is
suitable for those who are learning German to watch. The film not only contains conversation in German, but
also contains German culture, so the film is more interesting.
In my opinion, Nico’s Weg is a great German
learning film. This film contains a lot of moral messages, such as don’t be
careless in doing something (Nico put his bag carelessly so he lost his bag), help
other people in need (Lisa and her friends help Nico to find his bag and his
aunt), and do not distinguish certain races or tribes (Lisa from German, Nico
from Spain, and Shelma from Syria).
My favorite character is Lisa and Nico. I love Lisa because she is kind and helpful. Helpful can be seen from her when she help Nico to find his bag and his aunt, even though she just met Nico at the airport. I like Nico because he can learn and understand German language fast. I wish I could learn German as fast as Nico.
In this film, there are some interesting
German words. In my opinion, the interesting word is Abschiedsparty (farewell party), because the writing is quite
complicated and the pronounciation is quiet interesting. Then, Ananas (pineapple), I think this word is
interesting because the pronounciation is similar to Nanas in Bahasa and both mean ‘pineapple’. There are also
interesting dialogues in this film. My favorite dialogues is when Nico, Lisa,
Sebastian, Nina, and Nawin discuss about the name of food from different
countries. I like the dialogues because I like learning the name of food and
countries over the world.
Nina : Kötbullar isst man in Schweden!
Nawin : In Frankreich isst man gern Käse!
Sebastian : Sushi isst man in Japan und in Italien isst
man Pizza!
Nico : In Spanien isst man Gazpacho!
That is all about my review about “Nicos Weg”
Hope you like it!!
Thank you for reading! Have a nice day! 😁
Tschüss! Byee!
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